By Sarah Firshein
Add this to the ever-expanding list of stylish architecture made for kids: Prinsessegade Kingergarden and Youth Center, a mini-city for children set to open in 2014. The 618-pupil complex, a joint effort among a crack team of Danish architects, landscape designers, and engineers, will include the hallmarks of any urban core, including neighborhoods, houses, parks, a stadium, a solar-paneled concert hall, a restaurant (with a rooftop greenhouse—how trendy!), and even a fire station. Amazingly, this latest adventure in architectural craziness isn't relegated to, say, the depths of the ocean or a remote field somewhere; in fact, notes Architizer, Prinsessegade Kingergarden will be sited smack dab in the center of Copenhagen and will "use of the plot's existing trees to create shared green space within the city."