
 blood moving in the valleys because of the severity of the drought

The driest region in the world: "dry valleys" in Antarctic One interior areas in Antarctica dubbed "dry valleys" where not raining this region and not once for over two million years. Except for a single valley contains a miniature lakes of water can be considered the dry valleys area completely free of all types of moisture, whether water or snow or ice.
Which causes severe drought valleys Is the wind, which speeds up to 200 miles per hour, which works to vaporize anything to do with water, add to the process of ice sublimation any shift from a solid to a gaseous state directly without passing through the liquid state makes from the land of this region dry and arid land andempty of all forms of life.
Live in the dry valleys glaciers type of anaerobic bacteria that are resistant to freezing temperature and decomposition of iron and sulfur, Ebentg for red color that appears as if rivers of blood

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